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Tapping into Emotional Freedom 

Experience Tapping


Discovery Session

Free Session

You are curious about EFT Tapping Sessions!

That's awesome, the universe is calling you to open a new door and you can certainly take a peek.

We are the explorers of this life, and we are full of treasures just waiting to be discovered. 

Looking forward to discovering them together.


5 Sessions Lift-off Package

1hr to 1hr 30min
Per session

Welcome to the 5 sessions Lift-off package. I have found that the first 5 sessions are like a lift-off experience. It may feel awkward, different, exciting, it can be hard and scary, but it is the way we earthlings know how to fly above the clouds.

Looking forward to lifting off together.


11 Sessions Deep Dive Package

1hr to 1hr 30min
Per session

Deep dive into your path, growing with Tapping as your new superpower. After lifting off we can experience the clarity of flying above the clouds, uncovering deep patterns, healing, and rewiring deep-rooted blocks and fears. We can then ground ourselves by knowing our true potential.

Looking forward to flying together.

Included in the package:

1 Session per week

1hr to 1hr 30m long

Whatsapp access, any time of the day

* I will respond within 24 hours

* If it is urgent please write "URGENT" at the beginning of your message

Integration Exercises

Guidance, content suggestions, and references

Live Group Tap

* Free access to a weekly live event

* There may be up to 4 coaches leading Power Taps

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A Gift for Retreaters

How to integrate profound experiences in our everyday life, and turn them into long-lasting transformations?

Guidance is all around us, you can find plenty of wisdom in other people's stories, books, documentaries, and many secondary sources. 

You can also do you. This package of personal guidance is my gift to you, who are brave enough to come on this crazy journey with me. 

Integration means to anchor experiences, learn the lessons, and become that which we wish.


When going on a retreat almost always you will have a profound experience, whether positive or negative. In truth, it is how we interpret these experiences, and what we do with them that makes the difference.


So, our retreats are created with integration activities plus this gift of Integration Package, as important as brushing your teeth every morning before & after a deep cleaning.

You can have profound experiences, and you can turn them into life-long transformations too.

Live Group Tap

Live Group Tap

Free Tapping Event

A group tap is powerful in many ways. By synchronizing our frequencies with the community, the energy is amplified and so is the healing power. A safe container is created by knowing that we are not alone in our struggle, and we are all supported. New ideas, insights and learnings are made possible by sharing this healing experience with each other. 

Tuesdays, 7am PST - 10am EST - 4pm CET - 7:30pm IST

Every Tuesday

Here is a taste of our Group Power Taps with some of my very talented and powerful tapping coaches. Each coach leads part of the session, making this session dynamic and four times as powerful. Every Tuesday these beautiful souls come together to create this powerfully healing and safe container for all of us.

Group Power Tap

Group Power Tap

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What is Tapping!

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), commonly referred to as Tapping, is a self-help tool blending modern psychology and Chinese medicine. The ancient roots stem from the Chinese Medicine components of acupuncture and acupressure. These are both healing techniques that use needles and pressure to clear stagnated energy from the pathways of meridians. 

From the Chinese medicine perspective, we are working with the meridian system, which is an energetic circuitry that maps itself throughout the entire body. When there is any degree of trauma, emotional or physical, this circuitry can become blocked. By simultaneously tapping on meridian points, while facing negative emotional patterns, and bringing love, you can clear the blocks and experience relief.

Tapping can be used on a wide variety of physical, emotional, and mental challenges arising from something as simple as everyday stress to more complicated chronic pain disorders, from weight loss to severe childhood trauma. Studies have shown that Tapping has also been successful in alleviating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by reducing the impact of memories that trigger emotional distress.

Examples of this include the use of Tapping with survivors of natural disasters, car accidents, and sexual abuse as well as with war veterans. By clearing out the trauma connected to these memories, the nervous system is able to rebalance. This enables the physical, mental, and emotional components to release and reset.

How does Tapping work!

Tapping follows a simple yet very powerful technique and philosophy. It works on two foundational fronts that together bring deep shifts. Tapping on the physical body on the meridian points opens the energy pathways and releases emotions that are physically coded in your body as energy. Talk therapy based on modern psychology works on the mindset bringing insights and shifting mental patterns.

It works by bringing an issue to the surface, looking at the traumas that may have caused it, feeling all of the emotions, and bringing full acceptance, deep love, and forgiveness. Acceptance, love, and forgiveness are the ultimate medicines that melt the deep-seated emotional blocks away and rewire old limiting beliefs and thought patterns into empowering new ones.

This sounds simple enough, but also counterintuitive, because we are so programmed to avoid the pain.

The subconscious creates a very complex system of distractions and self-defense mechanisms, to evade and not feel uncomfortable feelings at any cost, let alone recognize and change the limiting beliefs. In fact, while some unwanted emotions and limiting beliefs may be obvious to us, most of them are working in subtle ways to protect us in ways that actually sabotage us. This is why we may feel so helpless and unable to change our own feelings and thoughts when we don't like them. In Tapping we feel them to heal them.

By tapping on the physical body while allowing ourselves to feel these unwanted emotions and acknowledge our unwanted thoughts, we can clear the energy behind the hold these emotions and thoughts have on us, thus releasing them for good.

The Dream Awake School

Tapping Points & Organs chart

The tapping points on the body and their corresponding organs are shown the images below, created by the Dream Awake school. I completed a 6-month Certification program led by the amazing teacher Jennifer Partrige


I encountered tapping about 2 years ago through an online program and I thought it was too simple to heal my very complex issues. So I kind of forgot it for a while, until I had a big giant wound open up in my life and the crises was too much to bear. I started tapping with Jennifer's videos online and felt immense relief after every session. Then, I felt called to make a deeper commitment, to go all the way and learn this amazing healing tool for myself and share it with others. And so the journey continued, and I grew and opened up to so many levels of healing and learning to now be able to offer it as a service to others.

The Science

Research Supporting the Efficacy of Tapping

Research done in 10 countries, involving 60 researchers, resulting in publication in 20 peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals has demonstrated that EFT is effective for phobias, anxiety, depression, PTSD, pain, and numerous other problems. One study, conducted by Harvard Researchers and published in the research journal "Human Brain Mapping" in 2000, found that when the acupoints were stimulated there was reduced arousal in the amygdala which plays a significant role in the body's stress response. Learn more

The Meridian System

The existence of the meridian system has been recognized by the Chinese for more than 5,000 years. New research has proven that tiny threadlike anatomical structures, called Bonghan Channels, correspond with the same pathways as meridians. The Bonghan system is a newly-discovered circulatory system, which corresponds to classical acupuncture meridians and was discovered in the early 1960s by Bonghan Kim. Some studies have shown that upon injection into acupoints, radioactive tracers followed these meridian lines precisely. Tracers that were injected into non-acupoints, however, did not follow any lines of this sort. Learn more


Traditional science views our genes as the deterministic blueprint for our life. But since the 40's the rise of a new science called Epigenetics, is proving that our genes and DNA can change at any time. Epigenetics shows that cells are responsive to their environment, and these responses reach deep into the cell, including the DNA. Studies have shown that our cells are dynamic and can be turned on and off by environmental factors. This includes the physical environment as well as the environment of our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. Biological changes can happen on a cellular level when we change our beliefs and our emotions. Learn more

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

Another branch of science that has emerged in the past 40 years is the study of how our thoughts and emotions (psychological processes) affect our nervous and immune systems. Dr. Candace Pert, one of the leaders in this area of study, has shown how emotions directly affect the immune system through neuro-peptide-specific receptors. One of the major studies has shown that stress linked to emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, and sadness can weaken the immune system and even cause dis-ease. With this scientific understanding, we can see the importance of Tapping in clearing out these emotions and stabilizing good health. Learn more

Brain Plasticity

Brain plasticity is the ability to change the brain’s structure and organization. Recent discoveries have shown that we have the ability to generate new neural pathways in our brain through thinking, feeling, and learning. When working with Tapping, we are literally going into the old pathways of the brain (which contain our habits, emotional responses, and beliefs), examining them, and asking ourselves if they serve us anymore. When we are able to clear out the protection mechanism that is holding the belief in place and realize that the old belief is no longer needed, we are able to create new pathways of belief. Learn more

Benefits of Tapping

A fast and effective alternative medicine tool used to rebalance emotional dysregulation.

EFT has been shown to help in the process of overcoming stress and related symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, fatigue and chronic panic.

Helps direct the flow of energy in the body in a way that promotes well-being and reduces disruptions in the body.

Support to uncovering your biggest blocks toward success to enhance your capacity to be the person you know you were born to be.

Tapping can be done anywhere, at any time, quickly and without the use of any equipment.

Who is this for?

Tapping can be used on a wide variety of physical, emotional, and mental challenges arising from something as simple as everyday stress to more complicated chronic pain disorders, from weight loss to severe childhood trauma.

Tapping will not only support you in clearing out old pain and limiting stories, but it will bring new levels of success and manifesting powers. 

Real change happens slowly and steadily.

Try it for yourself

Group Power Tap

Group Power Tap

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What is a Discovery Session?

The Free Discovery Session is the most important session in the coaching relationship.


The purpose of this session is twofold:


  1. Firstly, to discover where you are on your life journey and where you would like to be.

  2. Secondly, to make sure that our relationship will be a “good fit” for each other based on our rapport together.


During our 1 hour together, we will immediately look at any concerns and questions you may have about the tapping coaching process as well as offer you a short tapping session so you can experience it for yourself and decide if you want to go deeper with me.


​I will also be asking you a series of clarifying questions to help us discover your present concerns as well as the way forward.

When you're ready, it's here for you.

A discovery session can be a very exciting and eye-opening experience where you will always get something worthwhile or even life-changing from.


​The Discovery call is an online session using Video calls. 

Once you have scheduled your appointment, you will receive a confirmation email.


Within this email, you will find further instructions to best prepare for our time together.​

Plus a link to our video call session.

Sunset Over Pier

"We can't heal what we cannot feel"

- Anonymous

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