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About Iris Bakllamaja

Who am I!

​A truth seeker, a spiritual being having a human experience, a child learning how to grow up.

In my journey of inner and outer growth, I have played much, and have many growing pains, and plenty of scars to show for it. After many experiments, I have discovered some powerful ways to transform my life. 


The Treasures of the Journey thus far...​

I took responsibility for my life.

I keep looking for my transformations like trophies. I keep looking for my success stories like Odysseus for his kingdom.

It is hard for a "seeing is believing" kind of mindset to acknowledge inner growth. But then I realized that I have traveled through unknown waters, I have laughed and I have cried, I have found many hidden treasures, and many more are waiting to be discovered.

I have survived and now I thrive.

What does taking responsibility for my life look like for me today!

I am a creator. 

I am no longer a victim nor a perpetrator. 

I see challanges & opportunities.

I see no more "problems". 

I see mirrors of reflection, in everyone. 

I see no more bad people.

I feel alive, full of emotions I learn to embrace every day. I no longer feel lost.

About my journey

Like most spiritual awakenings, mine happened during deep inner crises in my life, it was messy and beautiful. 

I have since come to realize soooo many things, and a curious one that we are all on the same path, we are just at different parts of the road. And I started seeing more connections than disconnections, that I can walk straight rather than stumble and get lost in the darkness of pain.


I thought I had achieved pretty much every milestone contoured by Western civilization, I had everything I wanted, a successful corporate career, a beautiful house, a serious partner, a great social life, the freedom to do whatever I wanted, and a deep dark hole that got bigger and darker. And the absurdity of all of that is what cracked me open, the fact that I should have been really happy and yet there was a deep current of pain underlying my life, and the more senseless it became the more clear I could see.


So I opened the door to a new way of life. I dove deep into studying human behavior, oriental philosophies, spiritual teachings, and Eastern and Western scientists embracing consciousness as the all-pervasive truth. My resisting rational left brain was particularly swayed by all the new science showing on so many fronts what mystics have been teaching for millennia. 

I turned this ship around

Wherever I was heading it was on autopilot, and I had to learn to steer, by doing everything differently than before. So I dedicated myself to learning how to create a life that I fully and completely love. 

I quit my job, my home, my partner, and practically my numbing lifestyle of workaholism, drugs, sex, & rock 'n' roll'ism. I went cold turkey on so many fronts, it was life-shattering. But patience is a virtue I am learning to build the hard way, I want quick results and they always come at a price. Shattering an old life that no longer worked, was a price I was willing to pay. And I decided to make it fun and play with it, so this is how my new fun project went..


I homeschooled myself in the self-development field.

I made a list of great minds I wanted to learn from, I researched and read their books, podcasts, documentaries, scientific studies, and anything I could get my hands on. I have learned that learning is the best excercise for having a superbrain. My library, contains a bibliography of the last four years of my studies.


I learned about nutrition and excercise, and so much more.

I have changed my nutritious diet to the most high energy and nourishing foods for my body. I have committed myself to regular excercise that includes fitness, outdoor sports, and my favorite of all, dancing. I continue to experiment and try new things, to keep this part of my project fun and entertaining. And my body loves it.


What a discovery it was to understand how little I was really doing for my heart, and it's still my biggest challenge. I made a list of what my heart loves to do, and I did them all, one by one. I quit my toxic corporate job, relationships, and the rest. I went on a long pilgrimage of self-discovery, I traveled solo, I learned to dance the tango, I learned new languages, I fell in love, and met my higher self.


This was a hard one to grasp, since I grew up as an atheist and I was trained to reject such notions. But that was also a gift, because not having a set belief, I embraced the all encompassing truth underlying all spiritual teachings of all religions and all mythologies of mankind. I focused my training in Tapping/EFT and Sacred Medicines shamanic practices. They turbo jumped my spiritual growth in profound ways. 


Tapping Certification

Tapping CertificateIB- Iris Bakllamaja_edited_edited.jpg

Dream Awake School
Jeniffer Partrige
Program Duration: October 2022 - April 2023

Short Programs

My previous life

Key Expert of Communication

Over 20 years of dynamic professional experience from New York to Paris and Albania, with Corporations, Organizations, Civil Society and Public Institutions, as Communication & Business development expert.
Directed and built Communication Departments of cross borders entities & projects entailing Public Relations, Digital Communications, Marketing & Advertising, Product Development and Capacity building programs.
Developed & implemented integrated strategies & trainings, through the lines.
Launched start-ups, Corporate & Brand Identities, awareness & promotional campaigns, and trainings for staff and stakeholders.
Reputation Management with stakeholders such as the media, civil society, institutions, authorities and the community at large.
Monitored and managed statistical analyses through continuous surveys of Customer Satisfaction, Product Performance, Online and Offline campaigns, etc.
Business Development, Financial Management, Reputation & Legal Management, Data Analyses, Quality Assurance, Survey development, etc.



Master Degree

Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), Paris, France

Masters in International Administration & Exchange, International Trade.

(Master Professionnelle Administration et Echanges Internationaux, Mention Commerce International)


Bachelor Degree

Fashion Institute of Technology

State University of New York, USA

Bachelor of Science in International Trade & Marketing

Honors: Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.81 (out of 4)

Special Awards: Dean’s List 2001-2002-2003

Distinguished Achievement in “Most Persuasive” at ITM Banquet 2003

Distinguished Achievement in “Academic Excellency” at Dean’s Awards Ceremony 2003


Associate Degree

Nassau Community College

City University of New York, USA

A.A.S. Associate of Applied Science in Business Administration

Honors: GPA 3.81 (out of 4)

Special Awards: Dean’s List 1998-1999-2000

Some of the fruits of my growing garden

After experimenting with everything I came across, I kind of wanted to do them all, but these two fit just perfectly, deep cleaned & planted some deep roots. Their amazing healing powers made me a lifelong student of these practices.


Tapping / EFT
Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT is a therapeutic healing technique that blends the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine with modern Psychology. Tapping sessions are powerfully healing, as they release blocked energy from the body while rewiring limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. It is a fast-acting form of therapy and a tool that you can easily learn and practice on your own, for life.


Spiritual Experiences
Journeyin' to freedom

A Spiritual retreat is a profound and lasting healing experience. Dedicating time for deep cleansing of the mind, body, heart, and soul, is a gift that keeps on giving. Retreats are crafted with unique programs that combine sacred plant medicines, ancient healing practices, invigorating meals, high-energy landscapes, and integrative workshops, for a powerful transformation.


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"

- Albert Einstein

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